Week 7 Term 1

Good morning,

Welcome to a new week! It was such a pleasant change to have some rain over the weekend. I know that my garden was very appreciative for the cooler relief and moisture. In saying that, I did feel at times I was in Melbourne adding on and peeling off clothing layers every 10 minutes! I just couldn't get it quite right.
Congratulations to our little champions who did so well in their competitions and events over the weekend. We had dressage comps, cricket and basketball finals, surfing comps and scholarship testing. I feel so lucky to have such a clever bunch of students with varied gifts and talents!


Stationery Check 
If I can please ask you to check your child's stationery and top up any needed items. If possible, would you also send in a whiteboard marker with your child when you can. We are using these a lot at the moment and I am fast running out.

Harmony Day 
Will be celebrated on the 21st March in Australia. We celebrate Harmony Day to promote diversity and acceptance of other cultures. ... Harmony Day aims to start a conversation about heritage, culture and community.

Popcorn Fundraiser 
For the remainder of the term, the Catholic ministry will be running a fundraiser each Friday for the the students in the school to participate in. The money raised will be split between St Brendan's Primary Bushfire Appeal and Project Compassion (our Lenten charity). 

This Friday, popcorn will be sold for $2 a bag at recess. Please encourage your child to support these causes where possible. 


Every Monday this term, we have been so fortunate to have Mrs Tutt and Mrs De Gares come in and teach us about the history and how to pray the Rosary. This activity has come at a perfect time, especially with all that is happening around us at the moment. The students have been able to reflect on the life of Jesus and how we can implement his actions within our lives. Each week the students are becoming more present and reflective in this activity.

The Resilience Project - Reference Medicine In class at the moment I am sharing my favourite parts of the book 'The Resilience Project' with the students. This a story about a former teacher's journey to share and implement the 'GEM' mindset, that being one of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness. 

As part of this we have started a 'Gratitude Journal', allowing the students to reflect and respond to what I am presenting to them. I will be continuing to implement short little activities drawing the students attention to the positive things in their lives and how important it is to take care of ourselves and others. Hopefully you will be on the receiving end of these small gestures at some point.

This week in our writing sessions we will be looking at how to develop the plot of the narrative we have been constructing. We have previously written the setting and character descriptions, and are now up to outlining the problem, developing events that lead to the climax and providing a resolution. The students have seen short snippets of Narnia as sources of inspiration to develop the theme for their own story. I am very much looking forward to reading the drafts that are being constructed. Please if you get a chance, come in and read your child's setting description that is currently on display.

In maths, we have just finished looking at mental and written addition and subtraction strategies. We will now be exploring multiplication and division over the next two weeks, which will then be followed by an assessment. Please watch out for this date in the students diaries.

Our science investigation on basil is well under way, and the students are currently working together in their teams to create a detailed presentation outlining the experiment that has taken place and the results that have occurred. This project is due in week 9, and as of next week our science curriculum will continue.  This means the students will have to complete their presentations in their own time at home. The outline of expectations can be found on OneNote. After this, as a way of celebrating what we have grown, we will be cooking pizza's using our basil! I can't wait!


1. Homework Grid - 2 written spelling activities
                               - 2 nights of Sound Wave games

2. Science Presentation - Part 2 (Basil Research) due Thursday 19th March

3. Memorize Musical Parts - due Friday 27th March

Have a happy St Patrick's Day!

Sandy Ricciardone


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