Term 4 Week 2 Learning and Important Information


The students have started Term 4 displaying a more focused attitude towards their organisation and learning, which will set them in good stead for high school. In our handover meetings with Ingrid May (Head of Year 7) from St Mary Mac Killop last week, she was delighted to hear we are working hard on organisation, time management and responsibility, as this is a significant area that she notices students find difficult to transition into after Primary School.🙏🙌
⭐⭐Merit Award⭐⭐
Well done to Sully Huxtable for receiving our 6R Merit Award for week 2 Term 4. What amazing leader you make at our school. That smile, enthusiasm and friendly wit will be greatly missed next year.

The description of learning for this week is from Mia and Lolah and I am loving the concise yet informative descriptions of tasks. Good job, girls!

Kaya Wadandi Boodja, 

We hope that every one has been having a great week with the little snippets of warm days as it is kambarang and sunshine was nice. This week we have been up to many interesting things in Maths Religion, Art and Reading... so lets dive in. 

Fun Fact: This weekend Lolah is Competing at the Brunswick show with her pony.

This week in Religion we have been learning about God’s work. God's work means to do activities that a letters to an OLC staff member who don’t get recognised as much for their efforts. We were to highlight their gifts and talents and thank them for all that they do.

In Reading we have been reading the book Once by Morris Gleitzman, which is about a boy who lives in Germany during WW2 and the holocaust. His parents put him in an orphanage to protect him when the war begins, however he escapes and wants to find his mum and dad. Throughout his journey, he slowly learns more and more about what the Nazi's are doing and that the Nazis have come to take all the Jewish people away. 

All week, we have been doing Reading Comprehension activities to help us understand the story better, as well as prepare for our Novel Studies Reading Groups that begin next week. Many of us now are keen to start reading 'Then', the next book in the series!

In Art we have been looking at the skill of drawing one point perspective; including vanishing points, horizon lines, angles and scale of objects within the drawing. We first completed a tutorial, learning how to construct the image below and we did an awesome job with this. We learnt about shading, particularly paying attention to making the buildings that are closer to the sun lighter than the other side as it is on the side away from the sun .

Now we have finished the book Once, we are now transferring these skills and doing a one point perspective view of a chosen scene within the book. These will completed this week coming and posted onto Seesaw for you to see. 

This week in Math we have been doing a wide range of learning on function machines. We have been doing many Math rotations this week and we now have a great understanding of function machines and how they work.

Out & About in the Garden

Joke: How does the burger introduce his wife?

Answer: meat patty 🤣🤩

We hope that every one has a great week, thank you.

By Mia Pyke and Lolah Day


IMPORTANT - Kate Garcia - Photo Time
The lovely Kate is coming in to class tomorrow from 9 to 10am to take impromptu photos of the students to add to the Year book that some of our busy mums are creating for the students as a keepsake at the end of the year.

I am hoping that all the students can be at school in their formal summer uniform, as it would be great to get a photo of all the students. Thank so much to all the parents involved in Graduation Prep already, everything you do is greatly appreciated!

OLC Wellbeing Week (Week 4)
We are holding a whole week of whole school Wellbeing from Monday to Friday in Week 4. On each day the students will be including an activity with a wellbeing focus into some part of the day. 

Each day of Wellbeing Week a member of the Wellbeing Team will lead the whole school in a prayer meditation and some square breathing over the PA at 12.50pm. The students will also have an opportunity to participate in Yoga, Body Tapping and Sound Healing at various times over the week. 

The week will culminate in a Wellbeing Assembly presented by the year 4's on the Friday, you are most welcome to join us. Friday the 5th November of week 4, is also wear a T/shirt with your 'fave colour/ fave band / fave slogan – whatever makes you feel good' day!

Graduation PowerPoint 
I am are hoping that you can find and email me a photo of your child as a baby and/or toddler. We would like to create a PowerPoint for Graduation with these special photos, as well as others from their time at OLC. If you have any ripper photos from your child's time at OLC, we would greatly appreciate any donations. Please email them through so I can get onto this job as soon as I can.

Grandparents Day 
Grandparents are most welcome to come into school at 1.45pm on Friday 29 October. They will be welcomed into the classrooms and to attend our special assembly at 2.15 pm.

Character Strengths 
Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you wanted to learn more about this please follow the link to the 24 character strengths: https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths
This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Love. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following?

PAT Testing:
This week we will begin our series of formal PAT assessments which will help further inform our understanding of your child's learning needs, as well as guide groupings within the classroom and inform our end of year reports. The students will be noting in their homework book the days these tests will take place. They do not need to prepare for these in any way, however it is important that they get a good night's rest each day to ensure they are refreshed and ready.
PAT Tests Days:
Monday (Maths)
Tuesday (Vocabulary)
Wednesday (Reading & Spelling)

If you can please take a moment to remind your child to clean out their pencil cases and check if they are missing anything. Even today I noticed that students were still walking around for glue, erasers and coloured pencils.
Students having what they need goes a long way to helping them feel organised and in control.

Please also remind your child to put their laptop on charge ready for each day, as work that is not complete in class because of a flat laptop will be sent home for ADDITIONAL homework.

The students are back in summer uniform. Don't forget summer dresses with white socks for girls.

Please also make sure that your child has a hat that stays in their school bag - this was a major issue towards the end of last term and is now starting to be a problem for Term 4 and we are getting to warmer weather. Students are not able to go down to the oval, basketball courts or nature playground areas without a hat.

It has been noted that some students have not been wearing the full correct uniform, and as the leaders of the school we do expect the Year 6 students to be wearing the correct uniform including the correct shoes, socks and hairstyles. Thank you for your support on this.

Term 4 Important Dates: 
29th October – Grandparents day (classroom tours and assembly)
5th November - Wear a tshirt 'your fav colour/ fav band/ fav slogan' - what makes you feel good day!
9th November – Whole school wellbeing day
11th November – Remembrance Day
12th November – Student Free Day
19th November - Bunbury Grammar Yr7 2022 Orientation Day
24th November – OLC AGM meeting
25th November - St Mary McKillop Yr7 2022 Orientation Day
26th November - Busy Bee @ Our Lady of the Southern Cross (morning only)
7th December – Whole school Christmas Concert (LOCK THIS ONE IN!)
9th December - Yr6 Graduation Excursion
10th December – Yr6 Graduation Mass, Morning Tea & Colour Run (Last day for students)

The students homework is due on Friday the 29th of October. 

Please ensure all students are completing their homework and getting you to check it with a signature nightly and then signing the learning grid and homework diary on a Thursday afternoon before it is returned. Students who have not completed their homework will complete it during class time and during recess and lunch, an email will also be sent home to notify you. This organisation and time management skills is vital to aid in an easier transition to high school.

Home Learning Grid includes:

  1. Reading - The students will have specific chapters to have read for homework from their novel. This will need to be read to ensure that the students can participate in book club and novel studies every day in class.
  2. Math - Algebra worksheet
  3. Spelling Activities - pick 3 activities from the spelling menu to complete in the week.
  4. Three well-being tasks from learning grid.
  5. Any unfinished class tasks.
I hope you have a great week!
Bitmoji Image
Mrs Ricciardone


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