Term 2 Week 6 - Written by Madi & Lexi


This blog has been expertly created by Madi Rogan and Lexi Lepidi, and they left no photo out this week. Be prepared for a visual delight!

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend with your family and friends!πŸ˜ƒ 

Leading up to the wintery season of Makuru (which is 2 days away), you might start to see some Wardongs (ravens) flying together or the Maali (black swan) preparing to nest and breed.

πŸ’₯Class Fun FactsπŸ’₯
Immy’s dog Monty, was a rescue dog and the ranger found him on the beach in Gero (aka Geraldton), happily running around by himself when he was a pup. Paige's Dog Jax, was a therapy dog who helped all the people out there that are blind.
                              Monty            Jax

JOKE TIME: This is exactly what students say to teachers!!🀣

🎈Upcoming Birthdays🎈

Priya 4th of June

On Friday (28th May) we celebrated Sophie’s birthday. You can see her here chuffed with the card the girls made her! 

πŸ“—Classroom LearningπŸ“—

In Math's we are learning how to subtract and add decimals. What we struggled most with this week was remembering to borrow from the column to the left when the number on top is too small!We are continuing to do our math’s rotations and by the end of this month we will all be magnificent mathematical machines!!

Here’s a example of adding and subtracting decimals, see if you can work it out!
Peer Learning Rotation - we had to complete the square puzzle by matching the addition and subtraction decimal sum to it's correct answer. 

As you all know we have finished our narratives and are now moving on to Information Reports. We have been learning how to use the PEEL structure to write a good, detailed paragraph. This is an example of the PEEL structure that we in partners had to adapt and rewrite, changing some of the bolded language and transitional words.

Our examples are on display for you to come and have a look at...

Digi Tech
In Digi Tech we have been learning about sustainability. We are in the process of designing and making a solar oven to cook four different types of foods!


In Religion we have been learning about sorry day and the stolen generation. During the week we have been very busy writing prayers and expanding our knowledge of sorry day and reconciliation. All of our hard work really paid off and looks incredible!

In Science we are learning about natural disasters and had a little assessment on it for Mrs Murphy to see how were going and what she needs to go over with us again. We have also been creatively designing a cover page and doing KWL sheets. If you don’t know what KWL is, it means K is know, W is want to know and L is learned. Here are some examples of a science cover page, a KWL sheet and a natural disasters sheet…      


πŸ’œWeek 7 Important InformationπŸ’œ

IMPORTANT Bay Gallery Excursion - Monday 31st May!!!
This Monday 31st May, Mrs Meyer and myself will be taking the students to Bay Gallery (near Blue Manna) to take a free tour of the current art pieces from some of the best Nyoongar artists including; Lance Chadd, Norma MacDonald, Sandra Hill, Peter Farmer, Bradley Kickett and Rohin Kickett. The curator will explain the messages of the Stolen Generations behind the Indigenous paintings in the gallery. This fulfils an objective of our Aboriginal Education Plan to show acknowledgement and action during National Reconciliation Week.

We will walk down to the Gallery, leaving school @12.30pm. From here the students will be split into 2 groups of 14. One group will have lunch and a play at Djiljit Mia with Mrs Meyer supervising while the other group has the tour with me, then we will swap.

Group 1 is booked for a 1.15pm tour and Group 2 for a 1.45pm tour. This should leave enough time to walk back to school before the bell. Can the students please bring their lunch and water bottle in a small bag to carry into town, as well as any lightweight wet weather gear (pending the weather on the day).

It will be a great way for the children to apply the learning carried out this week related to the Stolen Generation, viewing it through a completely different lense.

OLC Celebrates National Sorry Day – 
The Sorry Day whole school photo was a huge success and was well received on social media by members of the community with over 3000 views. Thank you to the committee for organising this event and for the support of all staff and students for making it happen. View the amazing pictures below: 

OLC Dance Concert - A message from the wonderful Mrs (Ellie) Haines - 
Hello Families! 
The OLC Dance Concert is on Friday, July 2nd Week 11 (last day of Term after lunch). 
Several students have mentioned they will be away on that day (or are unsure if they will be away). If you child WILL NOT be at school for the last day of term/ OLC Dance Concert please email ellie.haines@cewa.edu.au ASAP (if you haven't done so already).
If your child/children will be performing please see the Dance Blog for all costume requirements: https://danceolc.blogspot.com/ 
Year 5 & 6 Students involved in the OLC Dance Crew please see blog post with all information about the Bunbury Performance in Term 3.
Thank you - all students are doing such an incredible job and I know you will be impressed by their dance moves! Ellie Haines. πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ

Character Strengths: 
Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you wanted to learn more about this please follow the link to the 24 character strengths: https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths 
This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Creativity. Can you encourage your child to reflect on the following?

WEEK 7 Upcoming Events
1. Year 6R visit to Bay Gallery - Monday 31st May - 12.30-3pm
2. Walkie Wheelie Waste Free Wednesday
3. Winter Sports Carnival (Year 5 and 6) - 3rd June
4. Pupil Free Days - Friday 4th June & Tuesday 8th June (teacher's completing PD at school)
5. Public Holiday - Monday 7th June

Due: Friday, 11th June 
Thank you to those parents that sign the students work, please ensure you do this especially on a Thursday night before they return to class on a Friday. At times, the students may take home other work that they have not completed in class to be returned completed by a set day and time. 

Home Learning Grid includes:
1. Reading x 20 minutes every night. 
2. Spelling Activities - spelling grid to be completed in homework book - LSCWC, Segmenting, 
    Rhyming Words and Synonyms
3. Mathematics - Mental Division activity sheet
4. Three well-being tasks from learning grid
5. Any unfinished class tasks

Thank you for reading our blog and hope you have a wonderful week!

Bloggers - Madi and Lexi


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