Hello from Joe and Sully - Week 4 Term 2


Before I hand the blog over to our fabulous bloggers this week I wanted to share a proud teacher moment. How wonderful were the students on Friday at their final performance assembly? Well done to all the students of both 6R and 6H, you were wonderful and so very funny, I was so proud! 💓 


The rest of this blog has been expertly created by Joe Chapman and Sully Huxtable and I am sure you will agree that they have done a wonderful job. 

Wadandi boodja, wadan boonar moort Kaaditjin wongi, nitcha Wadandi noongar boodja. 

Hi everybody, we hope you've had a good week. We are here to talk about the week we've just had in 6R. We hope you enjoyed the Yr6 performance assembly, hopefully it gave you a good laugh.

Our congratulations goes to Lucy McKeaig this week, she is a consistently hardworking young lady who always gives every task a good go. She too displays a strong growth mindset, showing plenty of resilience, responsibility and positivity. Great work, Lucy!

This week in Art we have been learning about the 6 Wadandi seasons, right now we are in Djeran. Djeran starts in April and goes through to May, in Djeran we have overcast days and cooler nights. We have less light and it is a good time to carryout burn offs in the bush. There are a fewer native flowering trees in the season of Djeran, you may notice the red rust and cones of the swamp sheoak. Banksias erupt with spectacular reds, yellows and oranges. As the rainy days reappear the snails come out. Sometimes in incredible numbers. There are thousands of native snails in Australia. Have you ever found more the one species of snails near your home? 

These are the most  common snail species:

1. European garden snails

2. White Italian snail 

3. Native garden snail (has a conical shell rather then a spherical shell)

Check out the new circular artwork we've collaborated on together to represent the season of Djeran.


This term we have started a new way of doing Math, now instead of doing all whole class lessons we do Math groups with a mix of people from both 6R and 6H. On Monday we do an explicit session where we learn the concepts for the week and then on Tuesday and Wednesday we get to practice them in our groups.

This week in Math groups we were learning about finding a fraction of a whole number, we will do one for you, for example let’s do 5/7 of 21: first you divide 21 (whole number) by 7 (denominator) which equals 3 and then you times 3 by 5 (numerator) which is 15. So that’s the answer! Here is the working out:

Below are some pictures of this week’s math groups ↓

Here is Mrs Ricciardone in the Guided Practice session

Here is Max and Jake playing a game during their Peer Practice session

Here is Tieg hacking into the school’s bank account... wait he is meant to be doing Mathletics during Independent Practice. Just kidding

LITERACY                                                                                                                                          On Monday we also started the day with an HOUR long writing HOT task (assessment piece) using all the writing techniques and structures we have learnt about when writing narratives; including onomatopoeia, similes, alliteration, rhetorical questions, adverbs, as well as, correct spelling and punctuation. It was a lot to squeeze out of our brains! This is the picture we had to write about (ignore the elephant part, it was a girl)!

For the rest of the week we were busy publishing our adaptations of Narnia. Once finished these will be bound together forming the 6R book, Narnia Retold!

In Science we have started studying Earth Sciences and part of this unit includes looking at natural disasters. Mrs Murphy is a keen scientist and loves a good experiment, therefore she is requesting that all the students bring in an empty tin can (normal 600ml size) this Thursday 18th May. 

Character Strengths: 
Dear Parents, currently at OLC we are focusing on modeling and observing different character strengths. The strengths that we will focus on are taken directly from the VIA Institute for Character. If you wanted to learn more about this please follow the link to the 24 character strengths: https://www.viacharacter.org/character-strengths 
This upcoming week we are looking for people who show Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence. Can you encourage your child to do the following?

Book Fair Week 5
Book Fair will be held in week 5. It will be set up in the back of the hall. 
Times: Tue and Wed before and after school and lunchtime 1.10-1.45.
Please note - If your child brings more than $15 to spend during the day, please have it in an envelope with the amount written on it and signed by you. 
There will be 2 book hunts happening throughout the Book Fair. (PP- Yr 3) (Yr 4 - 6) There will be one winner per year group. The book hunts will be at the door on Tuesday to be picked up and filled in. The winner will choose by luck of the draw on Wednesday afternoon. Even those students who do not buy anything can enter the competition and maybe win a book. Kids have 4 chances to participate in the hunt - before/ after school and lunchtime Tuesday and before school and lunchtime Wednesday. 📕📗📘📙📚

Community Support:
Dear OLC Community,
As you know one of our family's recently suffered the unexpected loss of their husband and father in February this year. Dave Clift was husband to Annmarie and dad to Violet in Year 5H, and to former OLC students Damon (17), and Sunny (15). Annmarie has been overwhelmed by the love and support she has already received in terms of willing listeners, shoulders to cry on and lovingly prepared meals. Many people have continued to ask how they might best help the family as they move forward. Here is a way. Without Dave and an income, Annmarie could really use some financial support. If you are able, even if in a small way to contribute to this Go Fund Me Campaign, she would be forever grateful. Thank you and may God Bless you.
Mrs. Amie Meyer

Dance For Sick Kids Fundraiser:
Hello K-6 Families! Next Friday, 21st May all students will be Dancing for Sick Kids! Please bring a gold coin donation to school on Friday to raise money for this incredible Charity. All funds raised will help seriously ill or injured children and their families by providing a home-away-from-home at Ronald McDonald House, whilst they receive critical care and treatment. On average, it costs Ronald McDonald House Charities $160 to support a family for one night, so please give what you can, every dollar counts. Please see our OLC Fundraising page for further information and any additional donations:
Thank you for helping me make a difference!
Mrs Haines 💃

No Dogs:
Last week there was an incident on school grounds with a large dog and one of our younger students. We have been advised that dogs are now unfortunately not permitted on school grounds. (Wilko our care dog is an exception to this rule).
A new puppy on a lead for show and tell is totally fine. 🐶

OLC Celebrates National Sorry Day – Bring a T Shirt!
Wednesday the 26th May marks National Sorry Day and Thursday the 27th marks the beginning of National Reconciliation Week. These are important dates for us to acknowledge as we work toward harmony and intercultural understanding as a nation.
The theme for Reconciliation week this year is: More than a word … Reconciliation takes action. Considering this theme, we are planning on conducting a whole school event involving all OLC students, and parents are asked dress their child with either a black, red or yellow T shirt (any shade or hue is fine) and black sports shorts on the day of Wednesday 26th May. This might not mean buying a T-Shirt – school sports shirts for Meelup and Leeuwin could be worn, or any T’s you already have at home which are predominantly one of these colours will be fine. Stay tuned to our Social Media platforms during Reconciliation Week to see the fruits of out labours!

1. Wheels After Meals - Tuesday
2. Walkie Wheelie Waste Free Wednesday
3. Book Fair - Tuesday 18th May and Wednesday 19th May
4. Dance for Sick Kids Fundraiser - Friday 21st May
5. National Sorry Day (whole school activity) - Wednesday 26th May
6. National Sorry Day Assembly - Friday 28th May
7. Bogan Bingo Fundraiser - 28th May
8. Bishop Visit - 28th May 
9. Winter Carnival (Year 5 and 6) - 3rd June


Due: Friday, 21st May

Our homework diaries having not arrived as yet. The students will continue using their homework books for now. Thank you to those parents that sign the students work, please ensure you do this especially on a Thursday night before they return to class on a Friday. At times, the students may take home other work that they have not completed in class to be returned completed by a set day and time. 

Home Learning Grid includes:
1. Reading x 20 minutes every night. 
2. Spelling Activities - spelling grid to be completed in homework book. 
3. Mathematics - Times Tables (x12 orally)
4. Three well-being tasks from learning grid.


Reminder - The wonderful memories and moments from the Year 6 Camp are available to be viewed on Teams on your child's computer. 📷📸

Well, that’s all from us this week hope you have good weekend, see ya! 😁 

We’ve got a riddle got a riddle for you to end with...

 I help you from head to toe, the more I work the smaller I grow.    Answer: Soap


Written by Joe and Sullivan






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