Week 5 Term 1

 Good Afternoon,

I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend. 

The Ricciardone's made a sneaky trip to Denmark with friends and it was such a wonderful reprieve from the busyness of life. We saw some beautiful sights and shared some special time with wonderful people, a highlight of the trip was the Treetop Walk among the Valley of the Giants in Walpole. I have a fear of heights, yet the beauty of the surroundings and support from my boys to make the loop made it special moment to remember. However if you ask my husband, his highlight was 'Dog Rock' in Albany...bringing back many childhood memories...mostly those of sheer disappointment (You must google it, if you have a chance...tell me if you see the dog face!)

the champ
I want to congratulate the wonderful Austin Marsland on receiving our merit award last week. He recevied his award for being an engaged, independent and respectful student who always gives his very bestin all areas. What a champ!


Religion - Lent:The students of OLC this week, raised a wonderful $75 in the lent project compassion boxes. The boxes will remain in each room in the school until the end of Lent. To find out more on project compassion and where the funds will go to please click the link below. 

As promised, here are some of the wonderful artworks from last week where the students had to identify where they are seeing or have seen 'Jesus-like moments' during Lent so far.

In writing, we are focusing on the types of sentences and their purpose when used in particular pieces of writing. Last week we identified the 3 sentence types: simple, compound and complex and the rules associated to these when forming them in their writing. Do you know what an independent and dependent clause is? A subordinating conjunction? When and where to put these conjuctions? By the end of tomorrow...your child will be an expert on this. It is so impressive how quickly they can pick up this language and apply it!

In technologies we started our project for this term - travel choices. This project focuses on posing a real life problem and question to the students and providing them with the learning and steps to pose a possible solution to the question. The question for this project is - How can we engage the school community in good travel choices? In this module, students will collect data about various modes of travel to and from school and assess the impact on people’s health, wellbeing and the environment. This module promotes community activism and responsibility by engaging students in analysing data related to modes of travel and its various effects on individuals and the community. Students develop solutions for a chosen problem around transport to school and then they will present this to the admin of the school. 

Swimming Carnival:
We will be hitting the pool on Thursday 4th March for the annual OLC Swimming Carnival. All parents are warmly invited to attend if you can...come dressed in your child's colours and get ready to yell for your team!

If you can please make sure that your child comes in their faction uniform with thongs to wear to the pool. They will also need bathers, rashie, towel, their school hat and goggles. Suncream is to already be applied before coming to school, we will take extra too!

If you would like to take your child home with you from the pool you will need to come and let Mrs Murphy know at the conclusion of the carnival, however this should have also been indicated on the permission slips sent home earlier in the term. If someone else will be taking your child, please write a note to give to me.

Can you please send the students headphones in with them this week, can they please remain in the school. As when we need them for activities there are a few students without them. 
Can you also please ensure that the students laptops are on charge every night as we have had quite a few flat laptops this week and it those cause issues at times with their learning in class. Thank you. 

PAT Testing:
This week we will have the last of our series of formal PAT assessments, which will help further inform our understanding of your child's learning needs, as well as guide groupings within the classroom.  The students do not need to prepare for these in any way, however it is important that they get a good night's rest to ensure they are refreshed and ready.

Wednesday - PAT Reading Test
Friday - PAT Spelling Test

Choir Invitations:
A choir invitation was sent out by Mrs Sherborne last Friday. Could all students interested in joining please fill out the form on the following link by this Friday 26th Feb https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Iy-FxTM2KU-zhlHaU-NeIycYwXYnxdBNs984jk5_lRdUOU9EVDVVWDdTUEcyQTNKNTRGMEdCTzRBMy4u
Thank you!


1. Swim Carnival - Thursday 4th March
2. Swimming Lessons commence at the beach in week 6 and 7 for Year 6 (we will depart the school at 1pm for the beach and return at 2.30pm).
3. Parent Teacher Interviews week 8 and 9 (timetable to be emailed for booking slots soon, please let me know if these weeks will not be suitable and we can organise a time sooner in the term.)


Due: Friday, 5th March
Our homework diaries having not arrived as yet. The students will continue using their homework books for now. Thank you to those parents that sign the students work, please ensure you do this especially on a Thursday night before they return to class on a Friday. 

Home Learning Grid includes:
1. Reading 20 minutes each night - write title and amount read into their homework book each night.
2. Spelling Activities - no activities this week, due to shorter week. 
3. Mathematics - Times Tables - Orally practice (x6 times tables) 
4. Three well-being tasks from learning grid.

Have a great week everyone, may even see you around at the swimming carnival!

Bitmoji Image
Mrs Ricciardone & Mrs Murphy

the champ
I want to congratulate the wonderful Austin Marsland on receiving our merit award last week. He received his award for being such an engaged, independent and respectful student who always gives his very best in all areas. What a champion!

Religion - Lent:


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