Week 3 Term 4

 Good morning all,

This term just needs to slow down...before I know it I am going to be saying farewell to you all and my hormones can not deal with those emotions just yet!! What an incredible bout of weather we are having, summer is coming and doesn't it feel GOOD! It was lovely to hear the students recounts of their weekend and the fun they've had with family and friends.

At Friday's assembly we celebrated Remy for the growth and maturity that we have seen over the past couple of weeks. He is currently sharing such great knowledge and creative ideas in our novel study of 'Once'.

Click here to see Remy receive his Merit award...

I am really excited to share our new display that highlights our novel study on the novel 'Once'. In both activities on the board, we attempted to describe the physical and personality traits of the protagonist character, Felix. First we used the 'Crystal Ball' tool to draw a visualisation of what we thought he would look like, using evidence we had gained from the text and assumptions we had made according to the clues given within the text. The students were very clever in applying their prior knowledge to add detail to their drawings of Felix.

In the second activity the students had to write a summary of Felix's personality traits. Here they had to connect his actions to a value or quality that they think he possesses as a result. The students have done such a great job...see their work below:


MUSICAL - I can not thank you all enough for being so generous in helping make this musical happen. Over the past week, so many people have put their hands up in some way to help out, from costumes being sourced and ordered, props made or purchased, helpers on the day/night, the setting dressed. You all are amazing!!

Thank you to those who have emailed me estimate numbers of how many tickets you will require for the Friday night production. If you haven't done this as yet, can you send the numbers to me ASAP.

GRADUATION POWERPOINT- I am hoping that you can find and email me a photo of your child as a baby and/or toddler. I would like to create a PowerPoint for Graduation with these special photos, as well as others from their time at OLC. If you have any ripper photos from your child's time at OLC, I would greatly appreciate any donations. Please email them through so I can get onto this job as soon as I can.


Homework for this week includes:

  1. Learning Grid - Free Choice Tasks - students are to complete 3 different activities from the bottom section of their grid.
  2. Spelling - 2 Activities - Dictionary Meanings & Alphabetical Order
  3. Mathletics Tasks - Complete 2 SET TASKS by Friday
  4. Reading - out loud 20 minutes each night (titles to be written into their diaries)
  5. Peace Posters due Thursday 29th October

Have a great week everyone.

Mrs Ricciardone & Mrs Martin


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