Week 4 Term 3

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 Good afternoon all,

I hope you have had a relaxing weekend. I have to say this has been the first weekend in a while where I've had a chance to just chill at home and sit in front of fire. Thank goodness for wet weather...sometimes.

The BIG week has finally arrived! It's really exciting to be sharing in another one of the student's significant milestone this week. Even though all students aren't formally receiving the sacrament of Confirmation, we have tried really hard to ensure all students have been involved and able to apply what they've learnt to their life in some way. 

It has been lovely of late to see the students take ownership of this celebration by creating beautiful pieces of art and preparing their own Liturgical Movement. They already perform it with such enthusiasm and reverence!

Update for the week ahead...

LETTERS - This is my final reminder about the Retreat Day letters, can you please ensure your letter is returned by tomorrow. It is such a special surprise on the Retreat Day, I wouldn't want anyone to miss out.

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Confirmation Numbers - Mrs Meyer sent a text earlier this weekend, asking for confirmation of your numbers attending the church on Saturday night. This includes prayer buddies, as the numbers in the church are needing to be reviewed. If you haven't completed this form as yet, can you please take a moment to do so. This way we can begin organising a seating plan for the night.

Confirmation Practice - on Wednesday at 11am we will be walking to the church to carryout a practice. We will spend an hour or so there and return to school before lunch.

Fr Tony Visit - On Thursday morning Father Tony will be visiting the students to have an informal chat chat and check they have been suitably prepared for the sacrament. I have no worries about this, they have worked so hard to ensure they know their stuff.

Retreat Day - On Friday the Retreat Day will take place at school in the hall. On this day the students will participate in a Reconciliation Prayer Liturgy, having an opportunity to confess their sins with Fr Francis. They will then participate in some art, craft and games that relate to how the gift of the Holy Spirit will enable them to be better people. The students are able to wear free dress on this day. Lunch is not required, as we are providing Subway for lunch, however the students will need to bring a share plate for recess. 

samosa                  - Boys are to bring a savoury plate of food

                                               - Girls are to bring a sweet plate of food 

Can these plates be brought to the hall in the morning, not the classroom. Please can you label any containers/plates, so I can wash and return these to you at the end of the day.

Sacrament of Confirmation - Mass begins at 6pm on Saturday night, you are required to arrive at 5.45pm so the students can assemble at the back of the church, ready for their entrance. A reminder that Confirmation candidates are to wear predominantly white with their sash pinned over their right shoulder and prayer buddies are to wear their 'Sunday Best'. Family name tags will be placed on the pews for the candidates, sponsors and immediate family. The remaining guest attending will have to sit at the back of the labelled pews. Amie will send an update of any changes that may occur because of our numbers restrictions, please stay tuned for that.

Please if you have any questions about the week ahead, feel free to call or email myself or Amie.



Homework for this week includes:

  • Spelling - 1 Activity - Words in Sentences (all list words)
  • Times tables practice - 8 & 9's
  • Reading - out loud 20 minutes each night (titles to be written into their diaries)
  • Choice tasks - students are to complete 3 different activities from the bottom section of their grid. If you have any suggestions or ideas on different areas you need help in, please let me know.
  • Additional Homework- Function Rule Worksheet -  It is due Thursday 13th August
  • PRE-ALGEBRA ASSESSMENT - Tuesday 11th August

Have a great week everyone. See you on the weekend.

best wishes

Mrs Ricciardone & Mrs Martin


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